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Titty Fucking

Titty FuckingSo in a post about titty fucking, there is one thing that has to be established right off the bat. I have big boobs. They used to be huge boobs, but I’ve lost some weight and switched birth control and they have shrunken down to a respectable D cup. I’ve heard titty fucking is possible with small boobs, but I have no idea. I’ve never been interested in doing it with a strap on, and I have no experience with having small boobs (I was a C cup at 13. Seriously.) Continue reading

Safety Words

During bondage, the word stop can be confusing to a lot of people.

The word “stop” can sometimes be said out of habit, rather than really wanting what’s going on, to actually stop, and when some people hear it, they may ignore it because they think there partner is just role-playing. This can cause problems. For that reason, you and your partner should set up a safety word that should only be used when you are uncomfortable or in pain. The safety word should definitely not be stop, and it should be a word that’s random, and doesn’t have to do with sex. Some suggestions for safety words are: pineapple, shoes and lemons. The list for safety words can go on and on. Be Creative!

Someone even told me about words they use for measure, for this they use traffic light colors.
Traffic light

Red” means stop the action no matter what.”

Yellow” a warning that things are getting a little too heavy.

Green” things are fine.

If your partner happens to be gagged, it can be hard for them to speak! So give them a Prop! To hold in their hand, if they drop it, stop everything and see if there ok.
There will be a point where you will know each other so well, that you will only need a safety word to stop, and you will be able to tell when your partner needs a break, All on your own without them saying anything!

The Starter BDSM Toy Bag

The Starter BDSM Toy Bag

The Starter BDSM Toy Bag

Kit Includes: